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Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:40 pm
by Julian Mayo
An eyewitness report says that the back of the Daytona stepped out, as Brocky entered a cornerat high speed, and he was unable to get it back in the seconds before it slid sideways into a tree. The eyewitness stated that it had done the same on the previous corner and fishtailed towards him, before Brocky gathered it back. Did he have a deflating tyre? Did something break in the suspension? I, for one, would like to know.
The full impact was in the drivers door.
R.I.P. Peter "Perfect" Brock. King of The Mountain, and a true gentleman.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:35 pm
by Snowy
Peter was a great racer and champion.

Most atcc/scs race starts
Most race wins
most poles
most poles in succession
most poles in a season
most podium finishes

Three times champion and nine times champion of the mountain

His stats were as outstanding as his driving. :) When I first became a aware of Australian V8's in 1994 he and Skaife were duking it out in every race. I owned a Vauxhall Cavelier so I was beholding to Holden and Mark was on an upward curve and was eventual winner of the championship that year but Peter made quite an impression on me that year and if I hadn't crashed my Ford Escort into someones garden I'd have been right proud to be rooting for Peter.

Coverage of V8's became very sparse in the UK especially since Eurosport decided that cycling and volleyball were more interesting than motorsport. But now I'm all computerised I had a chance to catch up with events and remind myself of the shear thrill that I felt when I first saw those V8's spitting fire and monstering round those majestic circuits. I consider myself very fortunate to have seen them in the - flesh so to speak - at Albert Park in 1996. And I met a number of legends of Australian touring that weekend. I got my shirt autographed by a legend unfortunately I washed the shirt and to my shame I can't remember who it was :oops: I was quite drunk that evening perhaps it was Peter I'd have remebered if it was him for sure.

My best wishes and thoughts are with his family and friends.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:02 pm
by Julian Mayo
Brocky won the Bathurst 1000, 6....that is six......times in 7 years. He could drive a bit.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:42 am
by Julian Mayo
The fact that Politicians would use his death for a photo John Howard.........Quote......." King of the MountainS"......just sickens me :evil: