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Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:22 am
by Julian Mayo
Mfer, is this a normal situation between seasons? Its almost as bad as V8 Supercars :shock:

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:17 am
by mlittle
Julian Mayo wrote:Mfer, is this a normal situation beetween seasons? Its almost as bad as V8 Supercars :shock:
You're correct on that one, Julian, especially in the past 4-5 yrs. as teams switched series, looked at numerous drivers, etc.....Multiply that by the fact that drivers sometimes switch series; themselves, and it can give watchers quite a headache following along. Put simply, the only way I know what the grid looks like every so often is when they line up for the first race of the year. :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:36 am
by Julian Mayo
Ok, hopefully I will have a better idea with the V8s a couple of weeks before flagfall.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:08 pm
by mlittle
Add Rocketsports Racing to the Sebring testing "scrum", as Paul Gentilozzi's team will be testing Northern Ireland's Richard Lyons Dec. 12-13 on the short course at Sebring. For the 26-yr. old Lyons, who has been racing sportscars in Japan in the Formula Nippon Championship and Japanest GT Championship, he does have an open-wheel pedigree. First racing in karting at the age of 9, he moved up to Formula Vauxhall at 16, racing there for 2 yrs, moving on to Formula Palmer-Audi and, then, Formula Renault 2000 before moving to Japan and racing there. When asked about his chance at testing a 750-hp Champ Car, Lyons said....
I am very excited to come to America. I have been following the Champ Car World Series for a long time now, and it has been a goal of mine since the start of my racing career to race in the series. I would like to thank Rocketsports Racing for giving me this opportunity--it is an honor to be able to get behind the wheel of one of their cars and finally get a chance to drive a Champ Car. Hopefully, this test will go well and I will be able to impress some people. My goal is to do the best that I can during this test, with the hopes of landing an opportunity for the upcoming season.

Seat Predictions, 23 December 2005

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 1:56 pm
by mlittle
Best wishes on a joyous Christmas holiday, and now on to the seat predictions.....

1}Newman-Haas Racing(2-3):Sebastien Bourdais, Bruno Junquiera, Oriol Servia. The team recently confirmed that both Bourdais and Junquiera will return for 2006. Negotiations still ongoing w/Servia for a 3rd seat next year.

2}PKV Racing(2):Jimmy Vasser(?), Cristiano Da Matta(?), Ryan Dalziel(?), Katherine Legge(?), Ryan Briscoe(?), Giorgio Pantano(?), Milka Duno(?), Darren Manning(?). If the past weeks' testing proved anything, it is that every name on this list has a shot at driving next year, especially if Vasser retires.

3}Forsythe Championship Racing(2-3):Paul Tracy, Mario Dominguez, Rodalfo Lavin(?), Tomas Scheckter(?), Michel Jourdain, Jr.(?). No changes at present.

4}RuSport Racing(2):Justin Wilson, A.J. Allmendinger. No changes at present.

5}Rocketsports Racing(2):Michael McDowell, Timo Glock(?), Katherine Legge(?), Richard Lyons(?). Legge's 13 Dec. test w/Rocketsports could see the British racer land here in 2006(currently possible), especially if Glock departs for Gp2 next year.

6}CTE-HVM Racing(2):Ronnie Bremer, Bjorn Wirdheim(?), Homero Richards(?), Milka Duno(?), Fabrizio Del Monte(?). No changes at present.

7}MiJack-Conquest Racing(2):Nelson Phillipe, Andrew Ranger(?), Charles Zwolsman(?), Dan Clarke(?). No changes at present.

8}Team Australia(2-3):Will Power, Alex Tagliani, Will Davison(?), Michael Valiante(?), Darren Manning(?), Charles Zwolsman(?). No changes at present.

9}Dale Coyne Racing(2):Ricardo Sperafico(?), Luis Schiavo(?), Michael Valiante(?), Tarso Marques(?), Gaston Mazzacane(?). No changes at present.

10}EuroInternational(1): Jan Heylen(?), Enrico Toccacelo(?). No changes at present.

No. of confirmed seats:8
No. of open seats:14-17 seats(likely 12-15)

Seat Predictions, 6 January 2006

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:01 pm
by mlittle
With the new year finally arrived, here are the seat predictions for 6 Jan. 2006......

1}Newman-Haas Racing(2-3):Sebastien Bourdais, Bruno Junquiera, Oriol Servia. No changes at present.

2}PKV Racing(2):Jimmy Vasser(?), Cristiano Da Matta(?), Ryan Briscoe(?), Ryan Dalziel(?), Katherine Legge(?), Giorgio Pantano(?)< Milka Duno(?), Darren Manning(?). No changes at present; however, once its' known whether Vasser returns for 2006, things should begin to clear up.

3}Forsythe Championship Racing(2):Paul Tracy, Mario Dominguez, Rodalfo Lavin(?), Tomas Scheckter(?), Michel Jourdain, Jr.(?). No changes at present.

4}RuSport Racing(2):Justin Wilson, A.J. Allmendinger. No changes at present.

5}Rocketsports Racing(2):Michael McDowell, Timo Glock(?), Katherine Legge(?), Richard Lyons(?), Dan Clarke(?). No changes at present.

6}CTE-HVM Racing(2):Ronnie Bremer, Bjorn Wirdheim(?), Homero Richards(?), Milka Duno(?), Fabrizio Del Monte(?). No changes at present.

7}MiJack-Conquest Racing(2):Nelson Phillipe, Andrew Ranger(?), Charles Zwolsman(?), Dan Clarke(?). No changes at present.

8}Team Australia(2-3):Will Power, Alex Tagliani, Charles Zwolsman(?), Will Davison(?). No changes at present.

9}Dale Coyne Racing(2):Ricardo Sperafico(?), Luis Schiavo(?), Michael Valiante(?), Tarso Marques(?), Gaston Mazzacane(?). No changes at present.

10}EuroInternational(1): Jan Heylen(?), Enrico Toccecelo(?). No changes at present.

No of confirmed seats:8
No of open seats:14-17 seats(likely 12-15)

New Driver Lineup for PKV in 2006?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:19 pm
by mlittle
Although, according to sources close to, the information is supposed to be "embargoed", here's what was a recent interview w/ChampCar hopeful Dan Clarke, he was asked what he believed his chances were for landing a ChampCar ride in 2006 were. He said he thought they were good, then he added....
I've also heard that my old karting rival Katherine Legge will be taking part in the Championship. I have great respect for what Katherine has done in the USA--she has definitely got the full attention of the boys! I'm sure she'll be one of the drivers to beat.
Now, assuming the ar1 source pans out, this means that A)1996 series champion Jimmy Vasser will in fact retire from racing and become a full-time owner, and B)that Legge will take over the #12 Gulfstream car in 2006. (For the record, they're rating the story w/a "strong" rating, meaning they have at least two sources behind it).

There was a second part to the ar1 story, as well....according to the same sources, it appears that 2002 champion Cristiano Da Matta has been provisionally "shown the door" and that there will be a new driver in the #21 Bell Micro car for 2006.

In case anyone needs a appears ever more likely that Atlantic standout Katherine Legge will be on the ChampCar grid in Long Beach come April 2006, with possibly a second new PKV teammate on the grid as well. More info to come......

2 possible choices for Servia in 2006......?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 3:19 am
by mlittle
Sources close to Newman-Haas Racing and PKV Racing report that 2005 ChampCar runner-up Oriol Servia, who had a career-season in the place of the injured Bruno Junquiera, could be headed over to PKV Racing. How? Assuming that A)Jimmy Vasser retires, and B)that Katherine Legge is tapped to drive for PKV in 2006, Vasser, who is also a co-owner in PKV(along w/Dan Pettit and series co-owner Kevin Kalkhoven) has hinted that there would be at least one veteran in their lineup for 2006, hence the interest in Servia. It also ensures Servia stays w/a top-tier team rather than going back to a back-marker or lower-tier team. The added benefit of Servia possibly heading to PKV is that it gives Cristiano Da Matta and/or Timo Glock a shot at the third Newman-Haas seat(after Bourdais and Junquiera).

Possible New Teams in CC for 2006....?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:16 pm
by mlittle
This late in the silly season, it is highly doubtful that there will be a new team in the 2006 Champ Car season, but....if the sources are correct(generally, they're around 55% right), the driver, designated by ar1 w/the initials MDR, would be headed by a former top-level OW racer and a UK businessman. Unfortunately the only two people that come to mind w/those last-name initials are....(M)F1 WDC/CART titleist Nigel Mansell, and (D)former co-owner of Fittipaldi/Dingman Racing, Jamie Dingman.

On a related note.....the same above sources also pointed out that there are a few teams looking at entering the series in 2007, when the new Ford-Cosworth/Panoz formula begins competition. According to the sources in questions, one team in particular(they didn't say who) will make for worldwide press attention. Hopefully, more info will be forthcoming in the weeks to come.

Seat Projections, 20 Jan. 2006

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:47 pm
by mlittle
Here are the new(and surprising!) seat projections as of 20 January 2006....

1}Newman-Haas Racing(2-3):Sebastien Bourdais, Bruno Junquiera, Timo Glock(?), Cristiano da Matta(?). If, as expected, Oriol Servia heads over to PKV Racing(presumbably alongside Katherine Legge) then either Glock or da Matta could get the 3rd NHR seat(the odds are da Matta will win).

2}PKV Racing(2):Katherine Legge, Oriol Servia, Jimmy Vasser(?), Cristiano da Matta(?). Although the team has set a date no later than Feb. 14th to make any announcement concerning the team's 2006 lineup, Legge and Servia are at the head of the line. Sources close to the team expect Vasser to retire and become a full-time co-owner/driver coach, allowing Legge to slot into one seat. The same sources expect da Matta to be gone, likely over to NHR, allowing Servia, who had a career season in 2005 subbing for the injured Junquiera, to slot into the second PKV seat.

3}Forsythe Championship Racing(2-3):Paul Tracy, Mario Dominguez, Rodalfo Lavin(?), Patrick Carpentier(?), Michel Jourdain, Jr.(?). A recent Toronto Globe & Mail article hinted at "Patreek" returning to the FCR stable in 2006, due to the fact that it is becoming less and less likely Carpentier's IRL team will make their grid in 2006. If so, then Carpentier shoots to the head of the class.

4}RuSport Racing(2):Justin Wilson, A.J. Allmendinger. No changes at present.

5}Rocketsports Racing(2):Michael McDowell, Timo Glock(?), Richard Lyons(?), Dan Clarke(?). With McDowell likely returning to Paul Gentilozzi's squad for 2006, the focus shifts to Glock's seat, especially if Glock gets tapped by Newman-Haas for a third seat there.

6}CTE-HVM Racing(2):Ronnie Bremer, Dan Clarke, Bjorn Wirdheim, Homero Richards(?), Milka Duno(?). No changes at present.

7}MiJack-Conquest Racing(2):Nelson Phillipe, Andrew Ranger, Dan Clarke(?), Charles Zwolsman(?). No changes at present.

8}Team Australia(2-3):Will Power, Alex Tagliani, Charles Zwolsman(?), Ryan Briscoe(?), Will Davison(?). With Power confirmed and Tag likely returning in 2006, the question is....who gets the rumored third seat at Team Oz? Zwolsman ran a clean race at Mexico City in the 2005 season finale, but....if the team decides on tapping an Aussie driver for the seat, then Briscoe looks like the better choice for the team.

10}EuroInternational(1):Jan Heylen(?), Enrico Toccecelo(?). No changes at present.

No. of Confirmed Seats:8
No. of Open Seats:14-17 seats(likely 10-13 seats)

Team Oz close to resigning Tagliani

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:46 am
by mlittle
According to, Team Australia(Walker Racing) is close to resigning veteran Alex Tagliani for 2006. The Quebecois native(and adopted Australian) finished 7th in the points in 2005 and outperformed his teammates throughout the year. The team has already signed Will Power for 2006, and if the rumors pan out, Tag will resign with the team for the upcoming season.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:13 am
by Julian Mayo
So he could get another run at the Mountain

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:06 am
by mlittle
Most definitely, Julian. Most definitely.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:38 am
by Julian Mayo
I can report that the Bathurst track is in excellent shape, and Therapy posted her fastest time yet on Saturday :lol: I suspect the traffic violation is in the mail :cry:

Who's driving for PKV this year?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:44 pm
by mlittle
Julian Mayo wrote:I can report that the Bathurst track is in excellent shape, and Therapy posted her fastest time yet on Saturday :lol: I suspect the traffic violation is in the mail :cry:
Hey Julian, maybe the postal service in Oz'll lose the ticket....accidently, of course. 8) 8) :lol:

Question:Who will sit in PKV's two ChampCars for 2006? Could we see Ryan Briscoe or Franck Montagny w/Katherine Legge? Could we see Montagny and Briscoe, w/Legge taking one additional in Atlantics? Could "Shorty" da Matta take one seat.....alongside Legge, or possibly, Ryan Dalziel? Pass the Motrin, please....this is giving me a headache. :crush: :crush: :crush: :maths:

That's the question PKV Racing's three co-owners, Jimmy Vasser, Kevin Kalkhoven, and Dan Pettit, along w/team manager Jim McGee, will answer over the next two weeks. Montagny's test was impressive, as he set a fast flyer in the 50.8 sec. range, less than .2 secs. off the fast time set by Newman-Haas's Bruno Junquiera. By comparion, Briscoe and Giorgio Pantano set a 50.9 sec. flyer in Dec., and Dalziel and Legge set 51.5-sec. flyers then as well. In last week's tests, Legge ran two 200-mile sessions, each time receiving high marks from the crew and engineers.

Despite her "relative" lack of experience, it is expected by most that Kalkhoven, seeking to take the proverbial wind out of "Danica-mania", will likely tap Legge to drive one of the team's two ChampCars. If KK's smart, he'll tap a vet to partner Legge in the other PKV car. Who it is, though.....that's the question.