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Round of India 2011 - Picks and comments

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:20 pm
by 10 n Pole Admin
10 'n' Pole players, post your picks for the seventeenth race of the season at the Buddh International Circuit.

You can submit your picks at then paste your picks here and tell us why you think your picks will be the correct ones.

You can now get a live view of who 10 'n' Pole players are picking. Just click on the link on the submit page

For the latest Formula 1 news, visit the Formula 1 News page.

The deadline for submitting the picks is midnight local time of Friday practice.

Good luck

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:30 am
by jacfan
It will be interesting to see how this race goes. No history to help with picking your tips this week.

I still think "the usual suspects" will be in the top ten. So here are my tips.

Winner: Jenson Button

Second: Sebastian Vettel

Third: Mark Webber

Fourth: Fernando Alonso

Fifth: Lewis Hamilton

Sixth: Felipe Massa

Seventh: Michael Schumacher

Eighth: Paul di Resta

Ninth: Nico Rosberg

Tenth: Bruno Senna

Pole: Sebastian Vettel

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:57 pm
by Thaddeus
QUite hard to decide, but this is what I went for:

The picks you have entered are:

Winner: Lewis Hamilton

Second: Jenson Button

Third: Fernando Alonso

Fourth: Sebastian Vettel

Fifth: Michael Schumacher

Sixth: Mark Webber

Seventh: Nico Rosberg

Eighth: Felipe Massa

Ninth: Sebastien Buemi

Tenth: Jaime Alguersuari

Pole: Lewis Hamilton

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:36 pm
by sennano1fan
Winner: Mark Webber

Second: Jenson Button

Third: Sebastian Vettel

Fourth: Fernando Alonso

Fifth: Lewis Hamilton

Sixth: Adrian Sutil

Seventh: Felipe Massa

Eighth: Paul di Resta

Ninth: Nico Rosberg

Tenth: Michael Schumacher

Pole: Mark Webber

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:04 am
by cmlean
Failed to get my picks in again but it should still be the usual suspects.

Winner : Sebastian Vettel
Second : Mark Webber
Third : Jenson Button
Fourth : Fernando Alonso
Fifth : Lewis Hamilton
Sixth : Felipe Massa
Seventh : Nico Rosberg
Eighth : Michael Schumacher
Ninth : Bruno Senna
Tenth : Paul di Resta

Pole : Sebastian Vettel

Let's see how we go.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:47 am
by Jim Watt
:D hope CMLean made his eleven points. This year has been less exciting than last year in many ways, but it has also been reassuring. McLaren got off on the wrong foot somehow, but hung in there and made startling progress; Red Bull has shown that they are not a flash in the pan and even Mercedes has begun to perk up. Only Ferrari seems lost in the wilderness; if not for the heroic efforts of Fernando, practically DRAGGING his red sled over the line, they'd be mid-packers. I'm genuinely puzzled by Ferrari's ineptitude; in almost every aspect of racing: chassis, strategy, tyre management, pit work, they're just 'good.' They used to be the standard. I hope it isn't what I suspect: interference from the bean counters at FIAT. If so, then we may, in the years to come see Ferrari go down the trail Williams has blazed.

jim watt

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:53 pm
by 10 n Pole Admin
Werner is the top scorer this round with 76 points and takes the highest score in a single round so far this season as well as the biggest winning margin.

Congratulations to Werner, you have won a Gift from NewsOnF1 USA Online Store valued at $25.

Werner managed to pick 9 out of the top 10 finishers with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 9th and 10th in their exact finishing place. Picking Sebastian Vettel for pole earned Werner 6 additional points and scored a bonus 10 points for picking 9 and Pole!

You can also check your score for each race online. Just follow the link provided in your results email.

The Overall Top 100 is available here

The Indian Top 300 is available here

The Popularity Picks (top 5 for each position) for the round of India is available here