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Round of Australia 2014 - Picks and comments

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:03 pm
by 10 n Pole Admin
10 'n' Pole players, post your picks for the first race of the season in Australia.

You can log-in to the new 10 'n' Pole site and submit your picks at then paste your picks here and tell us why you think your picks will be the correct ones.

For a live view of which drivers the 10 'n' Pole players are picking, visit the Popular Picks page

You can also visit the new Continuous F1 Coverage page for all the news and comments on Formula 1

For the latest Formula 1 news, visit the Formula 1 News page.

The deadline for submitting the picks is the start of Saturday practice. That is at 11:00 Melbourne time (00:00 GMT).

Good luck

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:33 pm
by Thaddeus
Winner: Lewis Hamilton
Second: Nico Rosberg
Third: Felipe Massa
Fourth: Fernando Alonso
Fifth: Valtteri Bottas
Sixth: Kimi Raikkonen
Seventh: Kevin Magnussen
Eighth: Sebastian Vettel
Ninth: Jenson Button
Tenth: Nico Hulkenberg
Pole: Lewis Hamilton

It's utter guesswork. I'm reasonably confident Mercedes is the best engine for qualifying but have little idea about efficiency. I hope Williams can deliver on their testing performance.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:59 pm
by cmlean
I'll go out on a limb and say that Renault will have a shocker

Winner: Lewis Hamilton
Second: Nico Rosberg
Third: Jenson Button
Fourth: Fernando Alonso
Fifth: Kevin Magnussen
Sixth: Kimi Raikkonen
Seventh: Felipe Massa
Eighth: Nico Hulkenberg
Ninth: Sergio Perez
Tenth: Valtteri Bottas
Pole: Lewis Hamilton

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:17 am
by Thaddeus
cmlean, that's a very heroic prediction :p

I read that an electronics supply chief believes it possible that nobody will finish.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:46 am
by Jim Watt
:D :D Friends:

I love that nobody has a clue. It seems to me that I must choose my ten from Merc; McL; Ferr; Lotus & Red Bull (I find it hard to believe a Newey car won't finish in the top ten, no matter what!).

So. Here's my picks:
1. Kimi (of the active racers only Jense has more than the Finn in Melbourne)
2. Jenson (and everyone at McL will be cheering)
3. Alonso (he's going to try to keep Kimi behind him, but fail)
4. Nico Rosberg (the Merc luck will continue to fail)
5. Seb Vettel (he IS the defending champion and it IS a Newey Machine)
6. Lewis Hamilton (He'll take the pole, but not the race; I predict a typical Lewis overtaking attempt that will cost him dearly).
7. Ricciardo (it IS a Newey machine even if it has a Renault powerpack)
8. Groshean (I can't see Lotus surviving much longer without more cash)
9. Maldonado (ditto above)
10. Magnusson (the luckiest driver on the grid!)

Pole: as I said, it has to be Lewis

cheers and enjoy the weekend,

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:13 pm
by Axey
Winner: Nico Rosberg
Second: Lewis Hamilton
Third: Kevin Magnussen
Fourth: Valtteri Bottas
Fifth: Felipe Massa
Sixth: Nico Hulkenberg
Seventh: Jenson Button
Eighth: Fernando Alonso
Ninth: Jules Bianchi
Tenth: Sergio Perez
Pole: Nico Rosberg

well I got the winner right but in the end I was dissapointed Ricciardo was DSQ as I think I was the only one picking a Magnussen podium this weekend.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 5:34 am
by Jim Watt
:D :D :D

well everyone did much better than me. I'm amazed that Fernando can be so sanguine about Ferrari when they've never given him a decent car to drive! :evil: :evil: :evil:

It looks like another year of excuses from montezumelo (or however you spell his name). How long will it be until we see in the back pages of Motorsport an advert for a 2014 Formula 1 car in Italian red finish with full power package and trailer: entire package: $10,000? :wink: :wink:

Axey: I hope your love for Peter Sauber's team will be rewarded, :D but I'm afraid his pockets aren't as deep as Dietrich whateverhisname is with his Red Bull Euros!

I said I couldn't believe a Newey machine wouldn't be in the top ten. But how wrong could I be! Seb's hardly got through the parade lap and though the kid drove a fabulous race, the bean-counters cancelled his effort on grounds that border on the obscene. Can't wait to see what they pull out of the steward's back pockets in Malaysia! :roll: :roll:

Lewis will be charging there I suspect. And I hope my old friend Kimi doesn't decide to park his red sled before Qualifications are even over. :oops:

Lotus? F1 machines run as much on cash as on petrol and I don't see any cash infusions on the horizon. too bad for our Frenchman. :( :(

And that takes me to my bete noir: Ron Dennis. Much as I can't stomach the man (I was thrilled when Lewis stuck it to him and switched to Merc!), I must admit he knows what he's doing. Now if ol Jense can just keep up with the Swede! :?

cheers, 8) 8) Jim Watt

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:02 pm
by Thaddeus
Bit surprised you didn't go for either Mercedes on the podium.

Aye, I bet Hulkenberg's quite glad he didn't end up with the Lotus seat. I wonder how Pastor "I'm too good for Williams" Maldonado's feeling right now.